What I Ate Today

Happy Friday! I’m enjoying my last few days on Spring Break before I have to head back to the real world on Monday. Make sure you check out my recent Sweet + Spicy Quinoa Bowl Recipe that I posted if you want to try some yummy food. I really need to start picking a day in the week when I post my What I Eat in a Day blogs. I feel like I’ve been all over the place with when I’m posting them. My thoughts are to post on either Wednesday or Friday.

This week I made a lot of yummy food, which is going to be featured today.



Whenever I can start my morning off with a smoothie, I do. The other day, I met with a friend and grabbed this bad boy from Trism. The Green Power smoothie packs a punch but tastes amazing while doing so. 10/10 way to start off my morning. 




For lunch, I made my favorite hummus sandwich. I sauteed up some mixed peppers, mushrooms, and garlic in italian dressing. I then added that to an oatmeal bread sandwich with garlic hummus spread on top. This is a super quick and super easy meal to make. The veggies take about ten minutes to saute and putting the sandwich together takes two seconds. I like to pair my sandwich with a side of cherry tomatoes or a side salad.



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One thing I really missed when going plant based was creamy mac-and-cheese. I really tried hard for a while testing different packaged vegan mac-and-cheeses, but I never felt satisfied. I hated kraft mac-and-cheese before I was plant-based, and hated all the resembling vegan versions. I really wanted a healthy, plant-based creamy version of mac-and-cheese, like the ones I used to eat. I found this recipe on pinterest and LOVE it. I honestly make it all the time now. It doesn’t exactly taste like normal, dairy mac-and-cheese but to me it’s even better. I has a creamy, cheesy flavor that’s made from carrots, potatoes, cashews, and nutritional yeast. I usually make a huge batch and then eat it as leftovers for the rest of the week.

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